For my birthday yesterday my wife surprised me with a Nintendo 3DS (Limited 25th Zelda Anniversary Edition ;-)
I love retro NES games and for my DS I have the GBA ports for the classic Zelda game and Super Mario Brothers 3. Since the 3DS doesn't read GBA cards I had hopped that the Nintendo eShop would offer those games. No dice... well Nintendo you can place nice and sell me the game, otherwise I will take matters into my own hands.
If you Google how to root your N3DS you will run into a plethora of links which end up forcing you to enter your personal information into some pretty shady sites. I'm not fool enough to do that so I went for a more hassle free solution. R4i sells a card that will let you load roms onto it to play.
I like to support Nintendo and although I can use this to pirate 3DS games I don't encourage, support or condone such behavior!
I will buy games that are available for purchase but if they are not for sale anywhere in the world it's fair game.
You can purchase this through the source link below. I just bought mine so I will post my experience with it once I receive it.
source: R4i Gold
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